
No, O people, the Lord has told you what is good,
and this is what he requires of you:
to do what is right, to love mercy,
and to walk humbly with your God.

-Micah 6:8

Walk humbly with your God. Sounds simple enough, doesn’t it? Not so much. The ruler of this world has done a bang up job of complicating things. The enemy in his scheming has convinced much of society that the world revolves around us and that narcissism is normal. That may be normal to the human condition in our fallen state, but, thankfully this isn’t true of our redemptive state of living.

The Hebrew word for humility is Anavah. This word in its origin can be defined as “knowing and being comfortable with where stand before God.” When we know where we stand before the LORD, we gain access to the freedom of where we stand before man.

To be humble then, is to be aware of who we are before God. When we know who we are before God, we can find peace in where we are with man.

Humility frees us to walk in an anointed awareness before the LORD and to allow that awareness to overflow into all the areas of our life. Life and life abundantly can’t be found without the liberation of humility in our relationship with Christ. May I seek this walk carefully and intently.

Don’t Sell It

[23] Buy truth, and do not sell it; buy wisdom, instruction, and understanding. [24] The father of the righteous will greatly rejoice; he who fathers a wise son will be glad in him.

Proverbs 23:23-24

One of the things I enjoy doing to buying things and then selling them for a large gain after a period of time. This typically includes real estate and vehicles. I like cars and real estate is a fun and safe investment more often than not.

I find myself looking often for the “right time” to sell or buy. There have been a few times I’ve been wrong on the about the “right time” and I’ve learned some expensive and valuable lessons. Non that are sinful or dishonorable, but, lessons that have added such value to my life.

When I read this proverb and hear the author implore the reader to BUY TRUTH and then be instructed NOT TO SELL IT, that sends off alarm bells and flashing lights in my head.

Truth must be an absolute jackpot. The most valuable item to be acquired and stewarded. There is nothing more valuable that can take its place. There is no market that can contain or compare to immeasurable value of truth.

It’s possible to be so enticed with the things of this world or the desires of our flesh to be enticed to sell truth as quickly and irrationally as Esau sold his birthright.

Jesus is the truth. He sets us free. May I never sell Him out of my life for a “newer” or “flashier” version of faith.

Don’t Sell.

9 From Proverbs 9

[7] Whoever corrects a scoffer gets himself abuse, and he who reproves a wicked man incurs injury. [8] Do not reprove a scoffer, or he will hate you; reprove a wise man, and he will love you. [9] Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be still wiser; teach a righteous man, and he will increase in learning. [10] The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight. [11] For by me your days will be multiplied, and years will be added to your life.

Proverbs 9:7-11

1. Scoffers are not teachable. Don’t be as the scoffer, always be in a place of humility and teachability.

2. The wicked see a rebuke as a weapon formed against them as opposed to a Father wanting to restore them.

3. Wise people steer clear of the scoffer. There is no benefit sowing time into them.

4. The wise can never get enough wisdom. They always crave more. They realize they always NEED more.

5. The righteous have teachable spirits.

6. Fearing God is a prerequisite for obtaining wisdom.

7. The more intimate with God that I am, the more insight I will have of His heart and mind.

8. There is no wisdom outside of the fear of God.

9. Favor follows those who fear God.

FAM DAY March 31 2024

Starting at 12:30pm

Here are a few reminders to help you enjoy and navigate FAM DAY tomorrow!

1.We will have free hot dogs 🌭, cheeseburgers 🍔, chips, and drinks for everyone there.

2. There will also be free shaved ice provided by Max’s Frigid Frog.

3. There will be an obstacle course, bounce house, and inflatable axe throwing available.

4. A craft will be available inside of the Cotton Hall Event Center.

5. Egg Hunt times will be available by age groups.

Ages 0-2 – 12:30-12:40p

Ages 3-5 – 12:45-12:55p

Grades k -2 – 1-1:10p

Grades 3-5 – 1:15 -1:30p

6. ALL AGES are welcome to fellowship and eat and enjoy a time of koinonia .

Proverbs 18

18 Unfriendly people care only about themselves;
    they lash out at common sense.

Fools have no interest in understanding;
    they only want to air their own opinions.

Doing wrong leads to disgrace,
    and scandalous behavior brings contempt.

Wise words are like deep waters;
    wisdom flows from the wise like a bubbling brook.

It is not right to acquit the guilty
    or deny justice to the innocent.

Fools’ words get them into constant quarrels;
    they are asking for a beating.

The mouths of fools are their ruin;
    they trap themselves with their lips.

Rumors are dainty morsels
    that sink deep into one’s heart.

A lazy person is as bad as
    someone who destroys things.

10 The name of the Lord is a strong fortress;
    the godly run to him and are safe.

11 The rich think of their wealth as a strong defense;
    they imagine it to be a high wall of safety.

12 Haughtiness goes before destruction;
    humility precedes honor.

13 Spouting off before listening to the facts
    is both shameful and foolish.

14 The human spirit can endure a sick body,
    but who can bear a crushed spirit?

15 Intelligent people are always ready to learn.
    Their ears are open for knowledge.

16 Giving a gift can open doors;
    it gives access to important people!

17 The first to speak in court sounds right—
    until the cross-examination begins.

18 Flipping a coin[a] can end arguments;
    it settles disputes between powerful opponents.

19 An offended friend is harder to win back than a fortified city.
    Arguments separate friends like a gate locked with bars.

20 Wise words satisfy like a good meal;
    the right words bring satisfaction.

21 The tongue can bring death or life;
    those who love to talk will reap the consequences.

22 The man who finds a wife finds a treasure,
    and he receives favor from the Lord.

23 The poor plead for mercy;
    the rich answer with insults.

24 There are “friends” who destroy each other,
    but a real friend sticks closer than a brother.

Takeaways from 18

18:1- Caring for others is an overflow of the Holy Spirit working in my life. When I care for them humbly and without motive, the friendship of God can be tasted.

18:1-Common sense ought to be latched on to not lashed out against.

18:2 -God calls His children to understanding at its purest, not foolishness and self centeredness.

18:2- What if my opinion doesn’t need to be aired before man? But aired before the LORD alone in prayer.

18:3- Consecration has consequences: both the presence of it and the lack of it. I will reap what I sow.

18:4 – Wisdom is able to refresh and rejuvenate the soul. Nothing can refresh like wisdom.

18:5 – Justice matters, don’t scoff at it. Run towards it and champion the LORD in the matter.

18:5- The LORD is justice.

18:6- Words are meant for edification not altercations.

18:6 – Words don’t have to be self inflicted wounds.

18:7 – Words are meant to bless and to build.

18:8- The smallest gossip can take large roots. Those aren’t the seeds Christians sow.

18:9- Laziness destroyes, diligence builds.

18:10- There is one place and source of safety. The LORD.

18:11- Currency’s Fluctuate, the LORD’s strength and safety does not.

18:12- Humility >pride.

18:14- Better to get all the facts before formulating any idea or speak on any situation.

18:15- NEVER stop craving to LEARN and GROW.

18:16 – Sow FORWARD

18:17 – Don’t arrive at conclusions hastily.

18:18 – The smallest and most equitable action can end the most powerful of arguments.

18:19- Be a friend not a phony. Friendship at its purest is impossible without Christ.

18:20 – Depend on Holy Spirit for words to speak at all time.

18:21 – I sow what I speak.

18:22 – God gifts His sons with blessings as wives.

18:23 – My response to the poor reveals my heart towards God.

18:24 – Be a true friend, be a brother in Christ, stick with people no matter what. Thick, think, high or low water, be a brother.

Sunday Night Reflections

Barna Research Group Chart

“If your pastor treated you the way you treat them, I highly doubt you’d ever step foot back in a church.” -Me 🤣

That is a legit thought that has come to my mind many times. The more I serve and watch others serve, the more I stand by it. I’ve had more knives in my back than I can count. People smile and hug my neck, and then tear me and my brothers apart with their words and gossip as soon as we leave the room . It’s gets old. The calling is worth it, I’m just saying, the junk gets old. Let’s call a ♠️ and ♠️.

First, let me confess, pastors are 💯 human. We aren’t Jesus. We love Him so much, but are NOT Him. We are imperfect and saved by the same blood as everyone else. We are your brothers in Christ. We are not hierarchical Grand Poobah’s of some religious cult.

I know firsthand I frustrate many with my flaws, failed vision, mess ups, etc. I’ve earned many of the criticisms that have come my way. I’ll be honest with you, I frustrate myself with myself. However, those criticisms I can handle. It’s healthy to embrace those and learn from those criticisms, they help me fail forward. They are often times faithful wounds of a friend which is far greater than the flattering deceitful kisses of the enemy.

It’s those who claim to be your friend or brother that tear you to pieces that hurt the most. Those you have been in the trenches with and loved and cared for unconditionally in the midst of their pain who abandon or betray you, that stings the most.

This Psalm says it perfectly.

[12] For it is not an enemy who taunts me— then I could bear it; it is not an adversary who deals insolently with me— then I could hide from him. [13] But it is you, a man, my equal, my companion, my familiar friend. [14] We used to take sweet counsel together; within God’s house we walked in the throng.

Psalm 55:12-14

The Barna research chart 📊 is very enlightening that I posted above. The healthy relationships that pastors once had are seemingly more challenging to come by. I honestly believe this to be true for many, whether in ministry or not, but for the sake of this thought process, I’ll stick with clergymen for the moment.

This chart is encouraging to know that I’m not alone in what I’m feeling. It’s also motivating to want to try to find healthier heights of health relationally with those I care about and love.

In the mean time while I seek peace from the LORD and aspire for healthier and fruitful relationships (including those I’m blessed right now, relationships can grow from glory to glory too)I find comfort in this psalm as ointment to my souls wounds.


Longings Fulfilled

We live in a world that is full of people lost in their longings. From toddler to teenagers to grandparents; the longings of the soul attempt to paralyze those who don’t find adequate fulfillment. There is no running or hiding from this haunting reality.

When longings are not satisfied and ministered to by the LORD, a plethora of non anointed outcomes are possible. As believers, we seek the anointed paths because that’s where the Lord is. The enemy loves to keep us from these paths though.

Longings of the soul are real therefore there has to be a plan of action to combat them with concentrated hearts.

Proverbs wisdom declares that “when God fulfills our longings, sweetness fills our soul.” How does this happen, then? How can I let God fulfill my longings?

God offers to give us life and life abundantly. This means that a fulfilled life is possible only through the satisfaction of Jesus Christ making us new. When we become a new creation, we have new desires, new longings, and new rhythms.

If I’m walking feeling unfulfilled and full of longing, it’s time for me to evaluate who or what has authority over my heart and desires.

What fulfills me will fuel my motives, mannerisms, and mantras throughout my life. So be careful who governs your heart.

Jesus comes to satisfy our thirst and free us to be hungry to do the will of the Father. So let His sweetness satisfy your soul.

VBS Special Mission Offering

Sarah Kate ministering through medicine.

Tomorrow in worship we will take a special missions offering for Sarah Kate. She is going to be traveling to an undisclosed location for Neonatal Pediatric missions.

This is one of my former students and I would love to see how we can sow into her life financially as she travels bravely and boldly to the unknown to reveal a known God to the peoples of the earth who do not know Him.

Let’s finish if this week of ministry by sowing into the lives of those who need a Savior and need help.


SERVE Opportunities

Here are a few opportunities to serving tomorrow.

Wednesday Stage painting

Tomorrow we will be painting and putting fire retardant down on the worship stage. If you are able to serve, please contact Pastor Nate. This will be an all day project.

Marketplace Apartments Wednesday


We will be serving snow cones to the community of Marketplace apartments. Contact Pastor Nate or Anita Barrett for more information.